A Twitter Spaces discussion hosted by Unleash about open-source maintainership, the PHP League, platform engineering, and 3D printing.
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Like any good project, this one started with a problem: how do I let my wife know I'm in a meeting so she doesn't let the dog barge in? (I work remotely and my office is the only way to get to the backyard.)
The solution: build my own "On Air" light that turns on/off automatically when I'm in a meeting! Sure, there are commercially-available products that do exactly this, but where's the fun in buying something when I have the skills and equipment to build my own? Just how hard could it be? (famous last words)
Matt and Ben are joined by Colin O'Dell, staff engineer at Wayfair and supporter of the twitter dividing Dynamic Properties RFC to discuss what this RFC really means for PHP going forward and if its really a good idea.

Simple PHP-based utility to download all Advent of Code puzzles and inputs locally.
ASCII is so 1963. Nowadays, computers must support a broad range of different characters beyond the 128 we had in the early days of computing - not just accents and emojis but also completely different writing systems used around the globe. The Unicode standard packs a whopping 143,859 characters into an elegant system used by over 95% of the Internet, but PHP's string functions don't play nicely with Unicode by default, making it difficult for developers to properly handle such a wide array of possible user inputs.
Releasing open-source libraries is more than sharing your GitHub URL with the world. There are many considerations and steps involved especially for successful and long-lived projects.
In this talk, we’ll cover the principles behind creating, releasing, and maintaining high-quality libraries. Topics will include structuring the repository, implementing modern PHP standards, maintaining changelogs, using CI tests, releasing new versions, and more.
After 96 releases, 368 pull requests, and over 48 million downloads, I'm pleased to share that the next major version of league/commonmark 2.0.0 stable is now generally available! 🎉🎉
You can install the latest version via Composer:
composer require league/commonmark:^2.0
What's new in 2.0?
There's so much to cover, but here are the key improvements and changes:
If you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed a fancy new banner image:
If you follow me on Twitter you've probably seen that I've recently joined Polywork - a new social network unlike any others.
Polywork has a unique concept - instead of focusing on just your personal or professional life, your profile focuses on highlighting you as a multi-faceted individual. There's no commenting, no competing for likes, no recruiters, no politics - just you and your story: