Zero-amount payment driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library. It basically allows you to process $0 orders without needing to implement special code to skip the payment processor in these cases.
Simple bundle for implementing Omnipay in your Symfony application.
Open-source PHP Markdown parser compatible with the CommonMark spec.
My custom color scheme for PhpStorm. It can be installed using the directions found here:
Productivity timer which allows you to work without interuption by automatically setting your Microsoft Lync availability to "Do Not Disturb" for a short while.
A simple Bash script to automate the amending of older commits with staged changes. This script has since been deprecated in favor of using git commit --fixup
bigbrother is a Minecraft server plugin designed to track certain player events, such as the collection of ores. This data can be used to identified cheating players.
MCForge classic was a classic Minecraft server software based on MCLawl. I was the lead developer for this widely-used open-source project.